Friday 2 August 2013

Christopher Columbus knew what he was looking for when he came to the Americas/Arzareth!

The Apocrypha is in the Original 1611 Bible which is 14 books taken out by the Roman Catholic Church because it speaks of these Europeans putting up a false image of Christ.

They would use Pagan rites to destroy The Most High's people and teach a new religion on earth.

How the North American Indians got to the Americas.

So they set about removing it to try and deceive the masses saying that it is not spiritually inspired when it is and it is very prophetic.

Christopher Columbus validified the Apocrypha because that was the book he was reading that gave him geographical location as to where he could find these slaves of the Most High.

They taught us in schools that Christopher Columbus found America on accident that he thought he was heading to India but he never he knew what he was doing and where he was heading.

He had a plan and an agenda to go and retrieve the Most High's people that were dwelling in the land which proves that the scriptures were true.

There is a book called the Lost Tribes and the Promised Lands that makes references to his memoirs and of his evil plan!

It even makes reference to this in the Jewish Encyclopaedia under "Arzareth" they lead us to believe that America fell out of the sky and was just  miraculously discovered when that was not the case and the only book to ever speak of that landmass was the Bible.

2Esdras 13:40 Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land.
2Esdras 13:41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,
2Esdras 13:42 That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land.
2Esdras 13:43 And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river.
2Esdras 13:44 For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over.
2Esdras 13:45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth.

((((((((Start the movie at 6:50 and play through to 10:00)))))))) 

Christopher Columbus was a damn blarsted LIAR!!!!

Winston Rodney Dashes Another Fire Under The Genovese Explorer.
From the 1980 "Hail Him" Album
Lyrics below:
I and I all I know
I and I all I say
I and I reconsider
I and I see upfully that
Christopher Columbus is a damn blasted liar
Christopher Columbus is a damn blasted liar
Yes Jah

He's saying that, he is the first one
who discover Jamaica
I and I say that,
What about the Arawak Indians and the few Black man
Who were around here, before him?
The Indians couldn't hang on no longer
Here comes first Black man and woman and children,
In a Jam Down Land ya
A whole heap of mix up, mix up
A whole heap a ben up, ben up,
Have fi straighten out

Christopher Columbus is a damn blasted liar
Christopher Columbus is a damn blasted liar
Yes Jah

What a long stay from home
I and I longing to go home
Within a Red, Green, and Gold Robe
Come on Twelve Tribe of Israel
Come on Twelve Tribe of Israel
Out a Jam Down land ya
A whole heap of mix up mix up
A whole heap a ben up, ben up,
Come on Twelve Tribe of Israel
Come on Twelve Tribe of Israel
Out a Jam Down land ya
Yes Jah

Christopher Columbus is a damn blasted liar
Christopher Columbus is a damn blasted liar
Yes Jah, he's a liar
Yes Jah, he's a liar
Yes Jah, he's a liar
Yes Jah, Columbus, he's a liar
Yes Jah, Christopher Columbus, he's a liar


  1. You topic is nice. Any element is make a article nice. I think your element is right.I think it help all lead generation

  2. 'Ar'zareth is Ararat/Armenia ..

  3. I bought the eth Cepher (eth is pronounced et and is the English rendition of the juxtaposition of the Hebrew letters aleph and tav). It contains 87 books not 66 and apparently most of them were in AHUAHcanon at one time or another. The eth Cepher is translated directly from Hebrew to English. Renenber Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) was a Jew as were the disciples and apostles for the most part. Thus in the Cepher in Revelation we have in ch1v8 YAHUAH telling Yahuchanon (John) "I AM the Aleph and the Tav" and a couple verses later while in the Ruach Ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit) Yahuchanon hears a voice behind him, and when he turns to look, it's Yeshua who tells him that He's the firstborn from the dead, and the Aleph and the Tav. Throughour the whole Cepher, wherever the eth occurs in the Hebrew the cepher includes it untranslated in English. Thus wherever His signature appears in Hebrew it's in the cepher.
    I agree that the so called apocryphal and pseudepigrahical books should never have been removed from the bible. I've learned so much from studying books like Enoch, Jasher, Jubiless, 1 and 2 Baruch, 1,2,3,4 Rxra (4Ezra also known as 2 Esdras, is also known as the Apocalypse of Ezra because it contains visions YAHUAH showed him.I bought it originally sfter learning of some translation errors in the KJV and others
