Sunday 23 June 2013

Still drinking coca cola? Watch this!

Diet Coke is even worse, because the aspartame in it, replaces sugar, becoming pure neurotoxic poison.

So, if you can’t imagine a life without coca-cola, take advantage of the following recommendations:

– Many distributors of coca-cola in U.S use this drink for cleaning their truck engines.

-Many police officers in U.S have bottles of coca-cola in their cars and when a car accident happens, they wash the blood out of the road with it.

– Coca-Cola is a great tool for removing rusty stains on chrome surfaces of cars. To remove corrosion from car battery, pour it with Coke and the corrosion will disappear.

– To unscrew a rusty screw, dip a cloth in coca-cola and wrap around it for several minutes.

– To clean stains from clothes – pour coca-cola on dirty clothes, add washing powder and run the washing machine as usual. You will be surprised of the results.

– In India, some farmers use coca-cola instead of pesticides for pest extermination, because it’s cheaper and the effect is completely satisfying.

So, coca-cola undeniably is a very useful product. The key is to be used for intended purposes, but not for drinking!

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