Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Shalom and blessings Brothers and Sisters

Shalom and blessings Brothers and Sisters,

We have sort to create an interactive and user-friendly information page that will serve as a learning tool to help the masses understand the mysteries of the bible and its true meaning in these last days. We exalt The Most High God who sent Moses to deliver the Israelites from oppression and sent his dear Son “The anointed Messiah” to free us from the curse, and we do believe The Savior will save us in these last days in which the bible calls “Jacob’s Trouble”. You will learn mysteries hidden for ages and generations and with a solid scripture base, you will be able to build a foundation of truth in a world filled with lies. You will learn how to unlock these mysteries along with obtaining answers to questions such as:

Has the Bible been tampered with?

How can I understand the Bible without Religious influence?

What is the true name of God?

Who is behind modern day theology?

What was the original Language?

Why did God allow slavery and who are the children of Slaves according to the Bible?

Why did the Jewish Powers and Christians finance Slavery?

Why our jails are filled with Minorities?

What will happen to America?

Is God against our modern Day Governments?

What will happen when America and Israel attack Iran?

These questions as well as many others will be answered through this venue and we encourage you to share this information with your friends and family. Let us stand as a vessels of truth with the Children of Zion and trample the head of the Serpent. Become a member and join the international Bible study to spread this truth at once all over the world!

Matthew 24:14…“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”


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