King James I of England

King James I of
England, who authorized the translation of the now famous King James Bible, was
considered by many to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, monarchs
that England has ever seen. Through his wisdom and determination he united the
warring tribes of Scotland into a unified nation, and then joined England and
Scotland to form the foundation for what is now known as the British Empire. At
a time when only the churches of England possessed the Bible in English, King
James’ desire was that the common people should have the Bible in their native
tongue. Thus, in 1603, King James called 54 of history’s most learned men
together to accomplish this great task. At a time when the leaders of the world
wished to keep their subjects in spiritual ignorance, King James offered his
subjects the greatest gift that he could give them. Their own copy of the Word
of the Most High in English. James, who was fluent in Latin, Greek,
and French, and schooled in Italian and Spanish even wrote a tract entitled
“Counterblast to Tobacco”,which was written to help thwart the use of tobacco
in England. Such a man was sure to have enemies.

King James was a
King of Great Britain France and Ireland. King James was a Black man and the
King James Bible is named after King James I of England, who lived from June
19, 1566 to March 27, 1625. The Established Church was divided during this era.
In 1603, King James called a conference in the Hampton Court in attempt to
resolve issues. As a result, a new translation and compilation of approved
books of the Bible was commissioned to resolve issues with translations then
being used. For example, the Geneva Version contained controversial marginal
notes that proclaimed the Pope as an anti-Christ. The leaders of the church
desired a Bible for the people, with scriptural references only for word
clarification or cross-references.

King James approved
54 scholars to work on the translation, and 47 worked in six groups at three
locations for seven years, comparing to previous English translations (such as
the Geneva Bible) and texts in the original languages. The new translation was
published in 1611 and called the Authorized Version, because it was authorized
to be read in the churches. It later became known as the King James Version.
The King James
translation had a significant influence on the English language and was widely
accepted as the standard English Bible. Because of the project being overseen
by King James and the care and precise attention to detail during this
seven-year translation, the King James Bible was considered one of the most
accurate translations in existence.

Edomities/ Gentiles
are feeding us lies. They started this whole lie and said King James
was a homosexual. The one who started this rumour was Anthony Weldon, he wanted
vengeance for being excluded from James court so In 1650, twenty-five years
after the death of James, Weldon saw his chance. He wrote a paper calling James
a homosexual. Obviously, James, being dead, was in no condition to defend
himself. The report was largely ignored since there were still enough people
alive who knew it wasn’t true. In fact, it lay dormant for years, until
recently when it was picked up by Christians who hoped that vilifying King
James would tarnish the Bible that bears his name so that most if not all would
turn away from the most high Scroll/book to a more “modern” translation.
It seems, though,
that Weldon’s false account is working because a lot of The Most High people
refuse to read or get to know the book b/c of this elaborate and demeaning lie.
He was the first king to sit on three thrones at once which was Scotland, England and Northern Ireland.
The Apocrypha is in the Original 1611 Bible which is 14 books taken out by the Roman Catholic Church because it speaks of these Europeans putting up a false image of Christ.
They would use Pagan rites to destroy The Most High's people and teach a new religion on earth.
How the North American Indians got to the Americas.
So they set about removing it to try and deceive the masses saying that it is not spiritually inspired when it is and it is very prophetic.
King James had a wife and he had 9 children and his wifes name was Ann of Denmark he married her in the year 1589
Men that showed King James was not gay
Peter Hynlyn
Sir William Sanderson
Bishop Godfrey Goodman
Anthony A Wood
Men that lived during the time of King James that proved he was not homosexual instead we are given names like Sir Anthony Weldon, Francis Osborne, Sir Edward Payton.
It might also be
mentioned here that the Roman Catholic Church was so desperate to keep the true
Bible out of the hands of the real people that it attempted to kill King James
and all of Parliament in 1605. In 1605 a Roman Catholic by the name of Guy Fawkes,
under the direction of a Jesuit priest by the name of Henry Garnet, was found
in the basement of Parliament with thirty-six barrels of gunpowder which he was
to use to blow up King James and the entire Parliament.
Why you ask would
someone go so hard to not only kill a Homosexual KING but why would you go
through these extremes to kill one of your own? would it be b/c he was gay?
Doubt it. Would it be because he was white? Doubt it again. The only reason and
sole reason is he was a man of color, black, NEGRO!!!! Also they hunted down
James Son, if he was Gay why are they hunting down a Gay white man’s son.
King James and his wife had 9 children who were all BLACK!
The name James
deprived from the Hebrew name lacob with in English the J was instated b/c in
Hebrew there are no J’s it is a stated and given fact. If you look in the pic
accompanying this post you see the name lacobus and the name Jacob in Hebrew
means “hold the heel” let’s go deeper into the name. the name came into English
language from the french variation of the late latin name: lacomus: a dialect
variant of lacobus.
Yasharahla for all
that don’t know we know is Jacob (Yahcob) in Hebrew that means he who holds the
heel. In most Compact Bible Dictionary you will see that the name James means
supplanter, Jacob(Yacob) was known as the supplanter and James means supplanter.
Genesis 27:36 36
And he said, Is not he rightly naed lacob? for he hath supplanted me these two
times: hee tooke away my birthright, and behold, now he hath taken away my
blessing: and hee said, Hast thou not reserued a blessing for mee?
Why go so hard for
King James? For starters he was never white or gay. Second his father was from
the tribe of JUDAH so that would make James what? The authorized King James
Bible was written in 1611, a year after we the descendants of Judah, Benjamin
and Levi were in enslaved 1612 a.d ya-ha-wa-dah/Judah the so called IGBO’s of
Nigeria, west Africa, the Mandingo of Mali, west Africa, the Sehwi and the
dynasty of Ghana. “so called African Americans.”
Also the ancient
Paleo Hebrew Script I know you heard of the house of David, look up Isaiah 7:2
First Westminster Company
Genesis to 2 Kings
Lancelot Andrewes (head) — Cambridge University
William Bedwell — from Cambridge
Francis Burleigh
Richard Clarke — Cambridge University
Geoffrey King — Cambridge University
John Layfield — Cambridge University
John Overal — Cambridge University
Adrian Saravia
Richard Thompson — Cambridge University
Robert Teigh — Cambridge University
First Cambridge Company
1 Chronicles to Song of Solomon
Roger Andrewes — Cambridge University
Andrew Bing — Cambridge University
Laurence Chaderton — Cambridge University
Francis Dillingham — Cambridge University
Thomas Harrison — Cambridge University
Edward Lively (head) — Cambridge University
John Richardson — Cambridge University
Robert Spalding — Cambridge University
First Oxford Company
Isaiah to Malachi
Richard Brett
Richard Fairclough
John Harding (head)
Thomas Holland
Richard Kilby
John Reynolds
Miles Smith (final editor)
Second Cambridge Company
The Apocrypha
John Bois — Cambridgeshire
William Branthwaite — Cambridge University
Andrew Downes — Cambridge University
John Duport (head) — Cambridge University
Jeremiah Radcliffe — Cambridgeshire
Robert Ward — Cambridge University
Samuel Ward — Cambridge University
Second Oxford Company
Matthew to Acts and Revelation
George Abbot
John Aglionby
Richard Eedes
John Harmer
Leonard Hutten
James Montague
John Perin
Ralph Ravens
Thomas Ravis (head)
Sir Henry Savile
Giles Thomson
Second Westminster Company
Romans to Jude
William Barlow (head) — Cambridge University
Thomas Bilson (final editor)
William Dakins — Cambridge University
Roger Fenton — Cambridge University
Ralph Hutchinson
Michael Rabbet
Thomas Sanderson
John Spencer
Seventh Company, London
Richard Bancroft (overseer)
George Ryves (overseer of the New Testament)
William Thorne (member of First Oxford Company)
Daniel Featley (member of First Oxford Company)
William Eyre — Cambridge University (member of Second Cambridge Company)
(The Real King
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